Aluminum, Wooden & Glass Partition

We are facilitated to offer our clients Full Height Partitions that find application in different corporate offices, living rooms and other places.

Model Kitchen Furnitures

We make sure your kitchen furniture uses every possible inch of space in your kitchen in a very effective manner. Which make u modern and comfortable.

All Type Garpentry Works

There are a lot of types of carpentry work out there so we thought we would cover what they are and give you examples of what we have done or are doing.

Gypsum, Grid Tiles Ceiling

Our product range includes a wide range of metal false ceilings, plaster of paris false ceiling, mineral fiber ceiling tiles, pvc false ceiling, false ceiling and mineral fiber board false ceiling.

Normal & Texture Paining

The value set there determines how much the normal on a surface may deviate from your view direction in order to still receive paint. In other words it's the angle.

Office Furnitures

Metal office furniture and utility files, cabinets, and shelves are mostly made of sheet steel. These sheets are cut, and then bent to form box shapes, or with bent flanges (edges) used to make shelves or tops.